Culture | Feb 27, 2021

Protecting our furry friends and their future: Payworks announces 20th anniversary donation to Polar Bears International

In celebration of our 20th anniversary – and more specifically, two decades of community support – Payworks is honoured to announce a series of donations to several highly-deserving and impactful Manitoba-based not-for-profit organizations, in...
Pay It Forward | Jan 29, 2021

Celebrating the extraordinary we found in 2020 with United Way

The global events that unfolded in early 2020 brought each of us a lot of uncertainty, and that ambiguity has remained as...
Resources | Jan 29, 2021

Mental health stigma: a barrier to the use of EAPs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) can be an impactful workplace benefit, but only if employees feel comfortable accessing...
Innovation | Dec 29, 2020

Remote teams: leveraging document uploads

Did you know that you can use Payworks’ Human Resources module to upload and distribute employee documents to your remote...
Innovation | Dec 15, 2020

What you need to know about new T4 boxes for 2020

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has added four new boxes to the T4 for reporting the employment income and retroactive...
Culture | Dec 13, 2020

Humanity in healing: Payworks announces 20th anniversary donation to Main Street Project

In celebration of our 20th anniversary – and more specifically, two decades of community support – Payworks is honoured to...
Culture | Dec 11, 2020

Driven by purpose: the 2020 HR Excellence Awards and how we found our “why”

Each of us has our own unique reason for getting out of bed in the morning. No matter what drives us, we’re all at our very best when we’re clear on our purpose and how we make the world around us a better place in our own way. At Payworks, our...
Resources | Dec 03, 2020

Three T2200 basics to understand in the year of remote work

As you may have read in the recent Year-End edition of The Works Magazine, the Canadian Payroll Association and the...
Culture | Nov 30, 2020

Our staff does the heavy lifting

In the payroll industry year-end is a busy time of year - both for our clients and our staff. But that never stops our...
Culture | Nov 25, 2020

Honoured to be named one of Manitoba’s Top Employers for 2021!

The most effective leaders recognize their people as their organization’s core strength, and invest in creating an...
Culture | Nov 19, 2020

Throwback Thursday: Have you heard of the Parade of Popsicle's?

Members of the Payworks Implementation and Customer Service Teams put their creativity and problem-solving skills to work this past January in a cross-country and inter-departmental competition to build the best Popsicle Dream Home. The end result...
Resources | Nov 12, 2020

Conflict at work can be a good thing. Here's how to handle it...

Conflict is inevitable – even in the workplace. As a manager or business owner, a peaceful workplace free of disagreements...
Resources | Oct 30, 2020

Think you’ve fallen for a phishing attempt? Here’s what to do next

Even with comprehensive training, frequent reminders and high vigilance, an ultra-sophisticated phishing attempt may slip...
Resources | Oct 29, 2020

Why two-factor authentication is worth the extra step

While the term itself may not be familiar, you very likely already use two-factor authentication (2FA). Whether it’s a text...
Resources | Oct 25, 2020

Breaking the worry habit

It’s 3 a.m. and you’ve been awake half the night worrying about bills, relationships, children, jobs and “what if”...
Resources | Oct 19, 2020

Keeping endpoint security on point

As your organization grows, so will the number of desktops, laptops, smartphones and servers connecting to your network....
Pay It Forward | Oct 16, 2020

What we’re thankful for: our staff and their generosity

In a year that’s been anything but normal, the generosity of our staff hasn’t faltered. Once again, our people have left us speechless as we virtually gathered on October 8 to celebrate the wrap-up of our national Payworks United Way Workplace...

Seeing is believing!

Curious what better Canadian workforce management looks like in action (and how much time you could reclaim in your day-to-day)? Book a pressure-free, get-to-know you demo today.