Get notified! Stay on top of important milestones with email notifications
We know there are many important dates payroll, HR professionals and people leaders want to keep track of. That’s why we’ve developed a handy email notification toolset that makes the juggling and organization of all those dates a breeze.
Using the notifications feature enables admins to schedule email notifications for the important dates most pertinent to their workforce, with the ability to assign the recipients to anyone within their organization that needs to be in the know. There are more than 50 different notifications to choose from, so this feature has you covered for everything from expiring licenses to birthdays and work anniversaries, certification renewals and performance reviews, to an added dependent or name changes.
One new enhancement to our notifications feature allows setting multiple reminders within one notification. Need a performance review notification to go to a department manager but also the HR managers? Notifications lets admins set up 30-day, five-day or one-day notifications so they can customize based on the recipient.
Curious what these email notifications might look like in your colleague’s inbox? Admins can now preview the notification email so they know exactly what information will be shared with the chosen recipients.
These two enhancements are coming your way in March and will make using email notifications even more efficient!
Have you used our email notifications yet? Get set up with our HR module today by contacting sales@payworks.ca.
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