How Payworks is helping clients navigate rapidly changing legislation due to COVID-19
We understand how overwhelming the steady stream of new legislation and policies is for business owners, employers and payroll pros across the country.
That’s why we want to make sure our clients remember that they’re not alone – Payworks has got your back, and we’re committed to providing accurate, timely, helpful information to our users to make their lives just a bit less complicated right now. In fact, we’re making it easier than ever to connect with the people, tools and resources they need now:
1. A trusted and familiar voice in unfamiliar times
Our clients' dedicated, CPA-trained Client Service Representatives are still just a phone call or an email away! They may be answering questions with a dog sleeping on their feet or a kid building a truly epic fort in the next room, but rest assured they’re on top of what our clients need to know and are there to walk them through it.
2. COVID-19 Related Government Relief and Legislation Guide for Canadian Businesses
Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, legislation has been at the centre of conversations with our clients, partners and colleagues. While these rapidly-developing policies and programs are serving as a lifeline to many Canadian businesses and their employees, they’re also complex and can be difficult to navigate.
It’s a privilege to serve our clients as a trusted resource. To continue guiding payroll pros, HR teams and business owners through this uncharted territory, we’ve developed our own COVID-19 Related Government Relief and Legislation Guide for Canadian Business.

3. Help Centre for all things COVID-19 related:
The Help Centre includes a library of COVID-19 related articles and FAQs, information about how to best leverage the Payworks application during this time, helpful videos about ROE processing and much more!
4. A convenient Temporary Wage Subsidy Calculator
For Payworks clients who are eligible to receive the subsidy, we’re happy to provide a convenient Temporary Wage Subsidy Calculator, which calculates the subsidy applicable on their next payroll run and will reduce their remittance value by that amount.
This solution also allows for manual override in order to take advantage of any remittance reductions that you qualify for retroactively. Clients can log into their Payworks account to access a helpful video tutorial and step-by-step instructions on how to use the calculator tool.
For all details, maximum parameters and eligibility requirements, please visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/campaigns/covid-19-update/frequently-asked-questions-wage-subsidy-small-businesses.html.
Updated July 28, 2020: While the Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy for Employers subsidy period is now over, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules allow reductions to future payroll remittances if an employer has not claimed the full amount. Please see the CRA's FAQs, Payworks’ COVID-19 Related Government Relief and Legislation Guide for Canadian Business or Payworks’ Legislation FAQs (accessible via the home screen) for more information, or contact your Client Service Representative.

5. An ROE support team and helpful videos
Our dedicated ROE email inbox is monitored and managed by a team of knowledgeable representatives. For specialized support, our clients can reach out by email, follow along with five new step-by-step videos on the Payworks application homepage or peruse articles in the Help Centre.
We encourage all our clients to check the homepage of the Payworks application often, as we’re keeping it updated with links to all the newest resources as we release them.
6. Legal, financial and HR guidance from the pros
When it comes to managing their own team, we understand our clients may be looking for guidance now more than ever. Whether it’s understanding employment legislation or tips on how to manage a remote workforce most effectively, Payworks’ HR Advisory Services has them covered. Offered in partnership with Arcora, HR Advisory Services provides practical human resources, legal and financial guidance and support from industry experts.
For more details about how Payworks can help your business during these unprecedented times, please reach out to sales@payworks.ca and a representative will be happy to help.