Resources | Jul 19, 2024

Discovery Day – stat holiday legislation explained

Every year in the Yukon, the third Monday of August is known as Discovery Day, which has been a territorial statutory holiday since 1911. Are you managing a business or team with locations or employees in the Yukon? If so, look no further for a...
Resources | Jul 12, 2024

“Payroll tax” provincial legislation details: the rates, exemptions, & how to make it all a breeze

Did the term “payroll tax” give you a bit of a jolt? Fair enough; after all, it’s not a remittance common across all...
Resources | Jul 05, 2024

The payroll info your biz needs to know for “August Long Weekend”

While the “August Long Weekend” is known across Canada as a perfect opportunity for camping, attending a backyard barbecue...
Resources | Jun 21, 2024

The public holiday legislation your biz needs to know for National Indigenous Peoples Day

June is National Indigenous History Month, when each of us is invited to recognize and reflect upon the heritage and...
Resources | Jun 20, 2024

Nunavut Day – stat holiday legislation explained

Every year on July 9, Nunavummiut folks in Nunavut celebrate the “birthday” of their unique territory, which was established...
Innovation | Jun 13, 2024

Dive into your data: unveil absenteeism trends & use insights to guide strategies

No matter the size of your organization, having the right people in the right place at the right time really matters. And...
Resources | Jun 11, 2024

Stat holiday legislation roundup: Canada Day

Pop quiz: when we say “Canada Day,” is your first thought of beaches, BBQs and bonfires… or is it of staff scheduling and pay rates? If the latter – it sounds like you’ve got a team to manage, and that you’re in the right place! What is Canada Day?...
Resources | Jun 03, 2024

Navigating Newfoundland & Labrador payroll legislation? We can help!

You likely have a great rhythm in place for paying your employees accurately and on time, but you’re also likely no stranger...
Resources | May 24, 2024

Fête nationale du Québec - stat holiday legislation

National Holiday or “la Fête nationale du Québec” (formerly known as Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day) is known among Quebecers as...
Innovation | May 17, 2024

Customer Story: How our scalability has supported Italian Centre Shop’s exponential growth

Founded by Frank Spinelli in 1959, the Italian Centre Shop (ICS) has been a “home away from home” for expats and longtime...
Resources | Apr 22, 2024

Victoria Day statutory holiday legislation round up

As the day that gives “May Long Weekend” its (unofficial) name, Victoria Day is a holiday to which many of us look forward – as a signifier of the changing seasons or simply an extra day to get outside, connect with family and friends and catch up...
Resources | Apr 16, 2024

Province of employment: changes from the CRA and Revenu Québec

Do you have staff working from home across Canada? If you have a remote work agreement with one or more of your full-time...
Resources | Apr 08, 2024

Questions about Québec payroll legislation? We’ve got you covered!

If you’re a Québec-based business, or an organization with employees in Québec, you likely have questions about a few...
Resources | Mar 25, 2024

What you need to know for tax filing season: updates to Form T2200

In January 2024, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) updated Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment, for the 2023...
Resources | Mar 11, 2024

NL paid holidays explained: St. Patrick’s Day & St. George’s Day

The topics of statutory or public holidays often top the list of questions frequently asked of our in-house experts. That’s...
Resources | Mar 07, 2024

Daylight Savings Time and the payroll impact on overnight staff

Daylight Savings Time (DST): whether you love “falling back” into an extra hour of sleep, dread “springing forward” an hour...
Resources | Mar 04, 2024

Explained: Good Friday and Easter Monday stat holiday legislation

In Canada, not all employees are entitled to the same days off work – whether or not businesses are closed for a federal, provincial, or territorial statutory (stat) holiday depends on the jurisdiction in which they’re located. Navigating stat...
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