Victoria Day statutory holiday legislation round up
As the day that gives “May Long Weekend” its (unofficial) name, Victoria Day is a holiday to which many of us look forward – as a signifier of the changing seasons or simply an extra day to get outside, connect with family and friends and catch up around the house! For payroll practitioners or business owners like you, seeing it coming up on the calendar is also a great reminder to set yourself up for success with this and the many other long weekends still to come.
Like all statutory holidays, Victoria Day is subject to specific banking and payroll legislation. In Canada, it’s common for this type of legislation to differ between provinces and territories, as well as between federally-regulated or industry-specific workplaces (for example, retail). As such, there are not only bank closures to navigate but also knowing how statutory or general holiday pay applies to employees where your business operates.
First of all – what’s this day of significance?
The Monday which lands before May 25 in the calendar year is known as Victoria Day in many provinces and territories in Canada, and is known as National Patriots’ Day in Québec.
It’s legislatively recognized as a statutory holiday in many jurisdictions across the country, but not all. The provinces that don’t recognize Victoria Day as a statutory holiday are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and Labrador also doesn’t recognize Victoria Day as a stat, but there’s an exception (more on that below!).
Let’s take a closer look at legislation for this statutory holiday by province and territory…
British Columbia (BC)
Victoria Day is one of British Columbia’s (BC) 11 statutory holidays and as such, eligible employees are to be compensated for working on or in lieu of this day. For more information on statutory holidays in BC, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/employment-standards-advice/employment-standards/statutory-holidays.
The Monday before May 25, known as Victoria Day, is one of the nine general holidays in Alberta. Eligible employees are to be paid for working on or in lieu of this day. For more information on general holidays in Alberta, visit: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-general-holidays#general-holidays.
Victoria Day is one of the 10 public holidays in Saskatchewan, where businesses can either close (with eligible employees receiving the day off with pay) or remain open (with employees who work receiving pay for working a public holiday). For more information on public holidays in Saskatchewan, visit: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/employment-standards/public-statutory-holidays/list-of-saskatchewan-public-holidays.
There are nine general holidays in Manitoba, and Victoria Day is one of them. Typically, most employees will receive general holiday pay whether or not they’re working. For more information on general holidays in Manitoba, visit: https://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/standards/doc,gen-holidays-after-april-30-07,factsheet.html#q12.
Victoria Day is one of the province’s nine public holidays. Generally, eligible employees in Ontario receive the day off and paid public holiday pay. For more information on public holidays in Ontario, visit: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/public-holidays.
The Monday prior to May 25 is known as National Patriots’ Day in Québec and is one of the province’s eight paid statutory holidays. Eligible employees are entitled to receive the day off and an indemnity. For more information about statutory holidays in Québec, visit: https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/en/working-conditions/leave/statutory-holidays/list-paid-statutory-holidays.
Newfoundland and Labrador
In Newfoundland and Labrador, there are six public holidays and 12 paid holidays for provincial government employees. Victoria Day isn’t a public holiday in Newfoundland, which means that most businesses are operational on the Monday prior to May 25. However, it’s a paid holiday for government employees. For more information on public holidays in Newfoundland, visit: https://www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/files/Publications_Labour_Relations_At_Work_Updates_October-2022.pdf. For more information on paid holidays for provincial government employees, visit: https://www.gov.nl.ca/exec/tbs/2024-paid-holidays-2/.
New Brunswick
Victoria Day is not one of the eight paid public holidays in New Brunswick. Therefore, many businesses are operational on the Monday before May 25. For more information about paid public holidays in New Brunswick, visit: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/petl-epft/PDF/es/FactSheets/PublicHolidaysVacation.pdf.
Nova Scotia
Victoria Day is not an observed paid holiday in Nova Scotia, which means many businesses are operational on this day. For more information on paid holidays in Nova Scotia, visit: https://novascotia.ca/lae/employmentrights/holidaychart.asp.
Prince Edward Island (PEI)
Victoria Day is not one of Prince Edward Island’s (PEI) eight paid holidays, meaning many businesses are open on this day. For more information on paid holidays in PEI, visit: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/workforce-advanced-learning-and-population/paid-holidays.
The Monday before May 25, Victoria Day, is one of the Yukon’s 11 statutory holidays. Eligible employees receive a day off with holiday pay. For more information on statutory holidays in the Yukon, visit: https://yukon.ca/en/find-yukon-statutory-holiday.
Northwest Territories
Victoria Day is a statutory holiday in the Northwest Territories. For more information on statutory holidays in the Northwest Territories, visit: https://my.hr.gov.nt.ca/employees/leave-time/statutory-holidays.
Victoria Day is a public service holiday in Nunavut. For more information on public service holidays in Nunavut, visit: https://gov.nu.ca/finance/information/public-service-holidays.
As the calendar page turns to Victoria Day, you’ll start to feel the warm sunshine that spring and summer bring. Having peace of mind that your staff are paid accurately and your payroll is compliant can help you enjoy those good vibes even more! To stay up-to-date with holidays and other important dates year-round, download Payworks’ Payroll Guide. It’s a handy resource to assist in navigating federal and provincial holidays, bank closures, and other important payroll legislation in Canada: https://www.payworks.ca/landing-pages/campaigns/payroll-guide.
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