Innovation | Apr 26, 2023

How we use it & why you’ll love it: Applicant Tracking

As we’ve said before, it’s our clients’ feedback that drives our functionality… but that includes guidance from our very own team! After all, the very first “client” payroll we ever ran was our own. We’re turning the spotlight on our own people...
Resources | Mar 26, 2023

The Brain Fuel Experts You Need in Your Life: Dietitians

While March is officially Nutrition month, there’s really no wrong time to get proactive about your dietary health. To give...
Resources | Mar 13, 2023

Recruitment and retention on your mind? Let’s talk reskilling

“The Great Resignation.” “Quiet firing.” “Boomerang employees.” Feel like you’ve heard enough HR buzzwords for a lifetime?...
Culture | Jan 27, 2023

When it comes to great people, there’s always room for one more

Across the country, our team includes client support pros, product creators and designers, finance gurus, and so many more –...
Innovation | Dec 05, 2022

How your feedback drives our functionality… and why clients should keep the comments coming

Originally published November 6, 2020 Clear communication has long been acknowledged as the key to healthy relationships...
Resources | Oct 31, 2022

Overview of overtime: Employers should have a strategic plan that clearly defines overtime

Originally published: August 17, 2020 Legislative and regulatory information can be overwhelming. Employment standards...
Resources | Oct 30, 2022

10 reasons to make a list

Check out these 10 great reasons making a list makes good sense: Lists make things manageable. When faced with a complex job, breaking it down creates a sense of achievability. Divide that big chore into smaller, concrete tasks and one by one, inch...
Resources | Aug 09, 2022

Book Lovers Day: recos from Jenn, our VP HR

Today is National Book Lovers Day! And how considerate of the folks who decide these things to drop it into the middle of...
Culture | Jul 14, 2022

Introducing Jennifer Johnston, our new VP of HR

Growing up in a military family that moved from place to place, Jennifer Johnston developed an early appreciation for new...
Resources | May 25, 2022

How cloud-based workforce management can support your small business’ green initiatives

According to Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), “companies have been called upon to reduce their greenhouse gas...
Resources | Mar 30, 2022

How to hire (and retain) someone with a service mindset

While many small businesses across Canada are currently struggling to staff up, some of the most hard-hit are those looking to fill client-facing roles. Not only can it be challenging to find qualified candidates, but how can you make sure you find...
Innovation | Mar 21, 2022

Why everyone’s talking recruitment… and how we can help

By mid-2021, Canadian employers were facing over 800,000 unfilled positions. Pressure to staff up (and competition for...
Culture | Mar 15, 2022

We’ve been named one of Manitoba’s Top Employers (again!)

For the second year in a row, Payworks is honoured to have been recognized by Canada’s Top 100 Employers as one of...
Innovation | Mar 14, 2022

HR solutions small businesses actually need (and will use!)

Today’s small businesses are facing an increased and highly manual workload when it comes to managing their people – meaning...
Innovation | Feb 08, 2022

Addressing today’s workforce challenges with HR management technology

Adaptability, flexibility, versatility, resiliency – businesses have been asked to do it all over the last two years while...
Innovation | Feb 04, 2022

Vaccination tracker, policy development, touchless data capture and more: Payworks has the tools for the ever-evolving world of work

The world of work continues to evolve at what feels like light speed. Between the increased focus on health and safety,...
Innovation | Dec 30, 2021

Fresh start? Yes please! Payworks is right there with you in 2022

Are you and your employees ready for 2022? Excited? Frazzled? All of the above? Whether you’re looking to the months ahead with unbridled optimism about your business and your people or are feeling a bit more... let’s say “cautious”... a new year is...

Seeing is believing!

Curious what better Canadian workforce management looks like in action (and how much time you could reclaim in your day-to-day)? Book a pressure-free, get-to-know you demo today.