New: email notifications
Your day-to-day tasks list is long enough already. That’s why we’ve enabled notifications within Payworks’ Human Resources module.
Notifications enable admins to receive email messages based on changes made to the information stored within the application. This ensures that admins can be proactive with any employee changes and updates, thanks to a predefined list with 45 notification settings to choose from - everything from 90-day probation period expiration to employee primary earning changes and much more.
Within each notification, multiple email recipients can be selected, meaning all of the individuals who need to know critical information, from people leaders to payroll admins, will be kept informed at the click of a button. For certain date-specific events, like expiring probation periods, admins can choose the number of days in advance the notification will be sent out. Admins can also disable notifications that are no longer needed, but the original recipient list will conveniently remain intact for future use.
Notifications can be enabled or disabled through Payworks’ Human Resources module.
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