Addressing today’s workforce challenges with HR management technology

Cindy Tarasow

Cindy Tarasow

HR & Analytics Specialist, Payworks

Cindy has over two decades of broad Human Resources experience across a number of private and public sectors, well-positioning her to serve Payworks’ clients as a subject matter expert in leveraging their organizations’ business intelligence to guide strategy and decision-making.
Spécialiste, RH et analytique, Payworks

Comptant plus de 20 d’expérience dans le domaine des ressources humaines, autant dans le secteur privé que dans le secteur public, Cindy possède toutes les compétences nécessaires pour bien servir les clients de Payworks à titre de spécialiste des RH, les aidant à développer une intelligence d’affaires pour leur entreprise dans le but d’élaborer des stratégies et de prendre des décisions.

Adaptability, flexibility, versatility, resiliency – businesses have been asked to do it all over the last two years while facing challenges like reduced staff, more work, and lower revenue.

While still navigating their way forward, Canadian businesses can find stability and (believe it or not) efficiencies in current circumstances by embracing technology to act as another member of their team. Whether it’s implementing new workforce management systems or adding onto existing capabilities, cloud-based software can be leveraged to increase business intelligence, improve communication, and establish benchmark data against which to measure future growth.

Technology can provide the time and peace of mind you need to focus on the future of your business. Here’s how:

Flexible work options are here to stay

According to Work Design Magazine, flexibility is here to stay – even though it does come with some growing pains for businesses.

Businesses can leverage unified, cloud-based workforce management solutions to more effectively support their unique and evolving workforce. Leading technology in payroll, HR and time management aids Canadian businesses in onboarding, learning and development, performance and retention, and assists in serving their most significant investment - their people.

It’s ideal for businesses to optimize their processes by leveraging configurable HR solutions, but it’s equally important for them to tap into how they can directly support the folks who make up their organization – like with centralized, easy-to-find communications and policies that provide employees the information they need when they need it. What can take it that extra mile is not only addressing all of the above, but also envisioning the strategic insight that the analytics of your workforce can provide – from headcount to turnover and employee demographics.

Businesses can have it all with Analytics

By leveraging workforce management technology, businesses keep all their pertinent workforce data at their fingertips – from payroll costs and turnover to absence information.

Payworks’ Workforce Analytics is fully integrated with our other solutions, making it an absolute powerhouse for our clients. When combined with one or a handful of our Payroll, HR, and Absence Management solutions, it can make a real impact on Canadian businesses and their day-to-day operations. Analytics provides quantitative measures businesses can use to identify a path towards higher profit and future success.

Looking for a partnership to help achieve your workforce management objectives? Look no further!

How Payworks can help:

Payworks’ HR solution is designed to save time by simplifying administration and creating powerful reports within our integrated platform:

  • Share info with managers and employees as new hires move through the employee lifecycle.
  • Engage new staff with welcome emails and important information sent through automatic workflows as part of the new hire process.
  • Simplify administration and create powerful reports that are user-friendly and custom to your business.
  • Leverage digital tools to distribute important information (like policy documents) to existing staff.
  • Access organizational charts to easily view the reporting relationships of all employees.
  • Set up automatic notifications for checkpoints or changes to an employee’s information and key milestones.
  • Track health and safety incidents, bonuses and other allowances, employee skills and education as well as required licenses or certificates.
  • Manage multiple benefit plans and gain access to mass benefits enrolment.
  • Manage documents and information related to reviews, coaching and disciplinary action.
  • House employee profiles in a unified database, providing instant access to admins.
  • Establish user permissions to ensure proper security around sensitive employee information and that only those who should be able to access that info can do so.

Make timely, data-driven decisions built upon true business intelligence through Payworks Workforce Analytics:

  • Access pre-built charts and graphs to view business data, applying filters to drill down into different subsets.
  • Leverage powerful information views that include data across multiple years, providing year over year comparisons and assisting in making informed decisions for the future.
  • Say goodbye to re-keying information (and the inevitable errors that come with it) - Analytics pulls and consolidates data from workforce management solutions such as payroll, HR, and Absence Management.
  • Save time and eliminate errors by configuring data within the dashboards in real time rather than exporting and manipulating it in Excel.
  • Answer questions you didn’t even know you had by discovering trends in almost every area of your business.

In a time where Canadian businesses need to be more adaptable, flexible, and versatile than ever before, we’re here to help! To learn more about how Payworks can help businesses get to work quickly and manage their teams anytime and from anywhere, contact

Seeing is believing!

Curious what better Canadian workforce management looks like in action (and how much time you could reclaim in your day-to-day)? Book a pressure-free, get-to-know you demo today.