Media | May 14, 2020

Get your copy of The Works Newsletter today

The Works Newsletter is Payworks quarterly publication that offers news, articles and useful payroll resources to help you develop and manage your business in Canada. Our Spring Edition (available now!) has 24 pages full of insightful articles and...
Media | Apr 30, 2020

Answering the call: Payworks is honoured to be your trusted partner

In times of crisis, we find ourselves leaning on our existing relationships to provide new kinds of support. Whether it’s...
Resources | Apr 23, 2020

Introducing Payworks’ COVID-19 Related Government Relief and Legislation Guide for Canadian Business

Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, legislation has been at the centre of conversations with our clients,...
Resources | Apr 22, 2020

Small Biz is stepping up to the plate – here’s a directory to help you #shoplocal during the pandemic

Small businesses all across Canada have been impacted significantly during these uncertain times. But more than ever we are...
Resources | Apr 20, 2020

Five ways you can set up a productive work space at home

You’re likely reading this from “the comforts of home.” The spread of the novel coronavirus and the implementation of social...
Innovation | Apr 06, 2020

10 tips for leveraging Payworks’ solutions while navigating the impact of COVID-19 on your business

As each day goes by in this new era of COVID-19, Canadian businesses are adapting their practices to reflect the realities...
Resources | Apr 01, 2020

How Payworks is helping clients navigate rapidly changing legislation due to COVID-19

We understand how overwhelming the steady stream of new legislation and policies is for business owners, employers and payroll pros across the country. That’s why we want to make sure our clients remember that they’re not alone – Payworks has got...
Media | Mar 23, 2020

From the desk of President & CEO JP Perron: a letter to our valued clients

The way workplaces are operating has changed rapidly due to the impacts COVID-19. At Payworks, we've taken measures to...
Media | Mar 23, 2020

Offsite but in it together: Payworks goes remote

Two weeks ago, Payworks began implementing social distancing measures for our almost 350 employees across Canada, along with...
Media | Mar 16, 2020

Payworks' COVID-19 Preparedness Statement

The well being of our employees, customers, partners and community is our top priority and at the forefront of all our...

Seeing is believing!

Curious what better Canadian workforce management looks like in action (and how much time you could reclaim in your day-to-day)? Book a pressure-free, get-to-know you demo today.