Rockin' the CPA Tradeshow
Our staff is back in the office this week after celebrating #PayworksGoesPlatinum at the Canadian Payroll Association's (CPA) 37th Annual Tradeshow in Edmonton, Alberta. The event was at the Edmonton Convention Centre June 12 and it was totally boss.
The theme for Canada's premier payroll event with more than 800 payroll specialists in attendance was Payroll Rocks so it was really befitting that we celebrated Payworks recently achieved Platinum Club status from Canada's Best Managed Companies Program. All tradeshow delegates received a registration gift from yours truly which consisted of a pair of platinum Payworks sunglasses, PopSocket as well as some scrumptious snacks. We also handed out record-shaped cookies to everyone who visited our booth in addition to a pre-loaded $2 Givesome Givecard. Best of all, we got to chat with so many great payroll and human resource professionals about the fully-integrated suite of solutions that can make them a rock star at work 🤘
Those who visited our booth had their badges scanned and went home with some truly rockin' prizes - a special shout-out and congratulations to Angela who won our grand prize, $500 in gift cards as well as a $500 donation made to Second Chance! Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) on her behalf.
Check out these snap shots 📷 from CPA - we look forward to seeing everyone again next year in Whistler, BC.
Vice President, Sales Operations Mike Leon accepting Payworks sponsor plaque from the Canadian Payroll Association during the tradeshow's opening ceremonies on June 12.
Calgary Sales Consultant, Jonathon Murray and Victoria Area Manager, Glenda Plews handing out record cookies at the Payworks booth.
Vice President, Service, Courtney Bérubé and President & CEO, JP Perron having fun celebrating #PayworksGoesPlatinum.
Event Administrator, Sara Van Walleghem handing out one of 10 Payworks daily prize draws.
Edmonton Sales Consultant, Mark Stretch, Vice President Sales and Operations, Mike Leon, Edmonton Sales Consultant, Tanna Kuiken, and Calgary Sales Consultant Jonathon Murray sporting their #PayworksGoesPlatinum special edition tradeshow t-shirts.
President & CEO, JP Perron and Calgary Sales Consultant, Jonathon Murray handing out another Payworks daily prize.
Victoria Area Manager, Glenda Plews and Vancouver Implementation Specialist, Cindy Gendron dressed up and ready for
Colin James performance at the CPA Conference on June 13.