Trading desks & coffee mugs for hammers & hard hats
In June, Payworks staff traded in their desks, computers, and coffee mugs for hammers, nails, and hard hats. On two separate occasions there were 10 staff who used their Pay it Forward (PIF) Day to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) Manitoba.
HFH is a nonprofit organization located all across the country that provides affordable homes for low-income families. Habitat homeowners pay an interest-free mortgage and are also required to volunteer 500 hours of their time towards building their future home. The HFH’s Women Build Program is the same initiative, designed to foster strength, learning and leadership for women.
Participating in the build on June 4 was Credit Risk Analysts Barb Deurbrouck, Gladys Taguiam, Caitlyn Wasyluk, Director of Treasury and Governance Belinda Carfrae, Business Analyst Dee dela Cruz, and Implementation Specialist Natasha Cameron. They suited up in our signature orange PIF shirts for the day and lent a helping hand at the HFH’s Women’s Build Program. A week later, on June 11, the Product Management team also cashed in their paid days off to volunteer at another site. Participants included Lori Watson, Marlene Drake, Myles Halliday, and Steve Bestvater.
During their Pay it Forward Day the crew on June 4 focused on the home’s interior walls, drywall, and insulation. Gladys testified to the strength and collaboration of all the women on-site. She explained how words of encouragement and motivation could be heard over the sounds of the saw and hammers throughout the day.
This experience proved very memorable for Dee as well. She recounted the moment the team secured the interior walls of the house which completely transformed the space.
"This really solidifies the importance of teamwork, and just how much you can accomplish when working together," said Dee. "Big picture, we're all building a home for a family".
Dee is no stranger to the Payworks Pay it Forward Day. She's been with the company for four years and over that time period she's cashed in her paid day off to volunteer with organizations such as St. Amant and Winnipeg Harvest. She further explained that seeing the work they accomplished at the end of the day with HFH was an invaluable experience. Not only did the group learn new skills but they also collectively accomplished what had once been a foreign task.
Unique to these volunteering projects is the amalgamation of both teamwork and community involvement. Steve described how volunteering with Habitat solidified just how driven his team is. He explained how Habitat builds are a great way for volunteers to work through diverse tasks in a new setting other than their office.
As our volunteers retired their tool belts and returned to their typical daily grind, they all walked back to their desks with an overarching theme that arose from this Pay it Forward Day experience. That our staff can give back to the community as an individual or as a group, all the while having a lot of fun while doing so.
All in all, our Payworks staff sure nailed their PIF Day!