
Blog_Pillar Image_Resources_Mar23_2023_FIN

Compliance is critical… and complicated. Employment standards differ by province and territory, but finding the valuable information your business needs doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We’re here to guide businesses in navigating the ever-changing Canadian legislative landscape and are your resource for federal, provincial, and territorial legislative payroll and HR administration updates. For our clients, their dedicated, NPI-trained Client Service Representatives are always a quick click or call away for complex legislative questions – when you call, we answer!

Resources | Mar 04, 2024

Explained: Good Friday and Easter Monday stat holiday legislation

In Canada, not all employees are entitled to the same days off work – whether or not businesses are closed for a federal, provincial, or territorial statutory (stat) holiday depends on the jurisdiction in which they’re located. Navigating stat...
Resources | Feb 15, 2024

Not-for-profits: reclaim time with affordable payroll and HR support

We get it – if you’re helping to run the show at a not-for-profit organization, you’re likely getting pulled in a hundred...
Resources | Feb 01, 2024

Statutory holiday information for the Third Monday in February

If you’re a Canadian payroll practitioner or business owner, we’re sure you already know that it’s common for statutory...
Resources | Jan 29, 2024

Our top 10 ways we help Canadian businesses “cut the red tape”

This week, our friends and partners at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) are hosting their annual Red...
Resources | Jan 25, 2024

Talent acquisition in 2024: how businesses can rise to the challenge

When it comes to building a superstar team, there’s no such thing as hiring in a bubble! Best practices have to evolve to...
Resources | Jan 22, 2024

What employers need to know about Manitoba payroll legislation – including important changes for 2024!

Paying employees accurately sounds like it should be a straightforward task… but complex legislation can make it trickier to...
Resources | Jan 12, 2024

Three year-end legislation changes to keep in mind heading into 2024

The New Year is here, which means your year-end payroll processing to-dos are ramping up. Flipping the calendar’s page also brings new legislation to wrap your head around, and it’s best not to put that off – some of these changes have an impact on...
Resources | Jan 04, 2024

New Year: time to mark your calendar with the 2024 statutory holiday schedule

Staying on top of the upcoming statutory holiday schedule is important to ensure your organization is adhering to legislated...
Resources | Dec 22, 2023

Let’s “count down” New Year’s Day & Day After New Year’s Day legislative requirements

A new year often inspires fresh starts and resolutions to make things better in the year ahead! And if you’re a payroll...
Resources | Dec 19, 2023

Key changes in Canadian human resources legislation outside Québec (2022–2023)

With so many human resources-related legislative updates happening across Canada all the time, it can be tough to keep up...
Resources | Dec 11, 2023

Our office hours for December 2023 & January 2024

It’s that time of the year again, when our office hours will be fluctuating to accommodate the upcoming statutory holidays! What Payworks’ clients need to know about Payworks’ office hours for December 2023 and January 2024: Monday, December 25,...
Resources | Dec 04, 2023

Mark your calendar: important payroll processing and delivery dates for the next few weeks

We understand that the holiday season can be hectic between year-end and payroll preparation, staying on top of new...
Resources | Dec 01, 2023

Six tips to ensure you have a smooth year-end

It’s that time of year again… and Payworks has the secret sauce to make year-end the least stressful it can possibly be....
Resources | Nov 24, 2023

Heads up: important CPP & QPP legislation changes effective January 2024

Have you heard the news? A second contribution and earnings ceiling for Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) enhancement and Québec...
Resources | Nov 20, 2023

New T4/T4A boxes added - explore how the CDCP changes your year-end

Have you heard the news? The Government of Canada’s Budget 2023 introduced the Dental Care Measures Act, which is the...
Resources | Nov 16, 2023

Filing more than five T4/T4A slips? You now need to file electronically

We know, we know - another new requirement for payroll year-end processing? Fear not! As always: with Payworks, you’re not...
Resources | Nov 13, 2023

What employers need to know about Saskatchewan payroll legislation

As your business’ payroll expert, you likely have a great rhythm in place to get employees paid accurately and on time every pay period. Nevertheless, the nature of payroll also means that sometimes irregular scenarios pop up, and that can mean...

Seeing is believing!

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