Another record-breaking United Way Workplace Campaign: $543K!
Between our exclusive conversion and referral partnership with Deluxe Canada, all sorts of ongoing product enhancements to help you save even more time in your day, and the official Grand Opening of our new HQ, to say that it’s been a big year for the folks at Payworks would be an understatement!
So why not break another record while we’re at it?
We’re thrilled to share that Payworks’ 2024 United Way Workplace Campaign raised an astonishing $543,532 – which is to say, 109% of our $500,000 2024 goal and 2023 total. Wow!
This year’s wrap-up
On October 9, all staff across Canada gathered virtually to share and celebrate the success of this year’s campaign and to award prizes to our regional staff, followed by an in-person gathering for Winnipeg employees to announce the remainder of the prize winners.
“I want to thank all of you for your generosity,” said Barb Gamey, Payworks Co-Founder. “United Way is near and dear to my heart, and the fact is that a lot of us here have benefited from the services of United Way agency partners at one point or another. If you ever find yourself needing their support, I hope you can take comfort in knowing you’ve helped them keep doing their vital work in the community.”
Photo: Payworks Co-Founder Barb Gamey addressing our Winnipeg team.
Many of the staff from coast to coast who made a donation commitment within this year’s United Way Workplace Campaign were delighted to hear themselves announced as the lucky winners of everything from Payworks swag to concert and hockey game tickets, days off with pay, and more. Plus, for the first time ever: one lucky winner even received their very own one-year reserved parking spot at HQ – sure to be even more appreciated during the coldest winter months (congrats Tina!).
Prizes were drawn and distributed by members of our United Way Committee – a volunteer crew 40+ strong who helped rally support, drive donations, offer opportunities to learn and give back, and made this year’s campaign such a resounding success.
“None of what’s been accomplished over the past few weeks would be possible without the dedication of our Committee,” said Kyle Desjardins, Payworks IT Operations Manager and 2024 United Way Committee Co-Chair. “On behalf of the whole Payworks team, thanks so much for all that you did – each of your efforts was so important in making this year’s Workplace Campaign a success.”
“One of the things that made the strongest impact on me during this year’s campaign is the rate at which our United Way Committee continues to grow across all of our regions every year,” said Trina Huntley, Payworks Manager of Learning & Development and 2024 United Way Committee Co-Chair. “It’s wonderful to see the enthusiasm for United Way building upon itself every year, and our newest members bring even more excitement and fresh ideas to the table.”
Photo: This year’s United Way Committee Co-Chairs – from L to R: Kyle Desjardins, Melissa Willard, and Trina Huntley – surrounded by the results of our shoe drive (more on that below!).
This year’s donation total of $543,532 will be dispersed to local United Way organizations in the communities our staff calls home all across Canada, and reflects not only the donations of our team but also Payworks’ corporate match of up to $5,000 per employee.
“I can’t thank you enough for your generosity, your kindness, and how you’ve looked out for your neighbours in our community,” said JP Perron, Payworks President & CEO and United Way Winnipeg’s 2025 Incoming Campaign Chair. “You’ve demonstrated an incredible amount of leadership and are changing our communities for the better.”
Photo: Payworks President & CEO – and United Way Winnipeg’s 2025 Incoming Campaign Chair – JP Perron applauding the hard work of our Committee and contributions of the whole team.
How we got here
Preparation’s for this year’s campaign began on September 6, when Payworks staff all across the country dusted off their running shoes, rollerblades, and road bikes to hit the pavement for the Walk This Way fundraiser. Our collective goal: at least 4,473 km (the distance from Victoria, BC to Dartmouth, NS).
Not only did we well-surpass our distance goal (way to go, team!); we helped United Way Winnipeg hit their $80,000 target!
How did we celebrate after all that exercise? Treats, of course! Several members of our Winnipeg crew kept energy high by hosting a candy station at the September 13 Walk This Way Finish Line party, and we hosted “cookie parties” for staff in our offices from coast to coast a week later. As this year’s winners of a longstanding friendly wager, we’re also very much looking forward to a forthcoming pizza lunch courtesy of our pals at Johnston Group…
Photo: Celebrating hitting our distance goal at the Walk This Way Finish Line in Winnipeg’s True North Square.
Photo: Cookie time in Toronto to congratulate the crew on a job well done.
As if our bellies weren’t full enough, September 13 also marked the official kickoff of Payworks’ United Way Workplace Campaign, which we celebrated with team breakfasts (pancakes, anyone?) and virtual speaker sessions across Canada. Hearing from those for whom United Way agency partners have provided a critical lifeline is always an especially-impactful way to get started – particularly when some of those speakers are our own colleagues, as was the case this year.
Photo: Winnipeg members of Payworks’ United Way Committee taking a quick break from preparing a delicious pancake breakfast for our Workplace Campaign kickoff.
Photo: Payworks retiree Cheryl Costen speaking on the impact of several United Way agency partners within her own life.
Photo: Workplace Campaign kickoff celebrations in our Pitt Meadows office included the arrival of a very special guest – Seymour the Sea Otter!
Photo: In Calgary, the team was on theme in United Way red.
Photo: Our Montréal team ready to dig into a Workplace Campaign kickoff breakfast.
With the campaign running from September 13-27, our leadership team and national Committee worked tirelessly to help all staff grasp the crucial role United Way plays in supporting our communities, and to provide the team with opportunities to support the United Way in turn.
Building empathy
Over the course of the campaign, we heard from a diverse mix of impact speakers who have one thing in common: they credit United Way agency partners with empowering them to change their lives for the better.
From a former advertising sales executive who suddenly found himself homeless and is now back on his feet and thriving, to a man who required unexpected support from agency partner The CNIB Foundation, those who shared their stories broadened our perspective, and we thank them for it! The United Way Committee also made available impact stories from United Way’s own library, including Shania’s Story, Carolina’s Story, Nafisa’s Story, and more.
Staff across the country also had the opportunity to participate in simulation exercises offered by United Way and Natural Supports. Providing simulated first-hand experience managing circumstances that may be extraordinarily different from our own, these exercises shifted our thinking and inspired us to help make positive change in our communities.
Rolling up our sleeves
With these stories and experiences fresh in our minds, our team was eager to step up and give back.
Within the first few days of the Workplace Campaign, we hosted an evening at our Head Office to recognize, inspire, and thank Payworks donors. United Way Winnipeg CEO Michael Richardson and other members of the United Way crew joined us to mark the occasion, as did representatives from Graffiti Art Programming. These folks helped us flex our own artistic muscles (to varying degrees of success) and were delighted to be surprised with a $5,000 donation.
Photo: Payworks employees putting their artistic skills to work under the guidance of the Graffiti Art Programming facilitators.
Photo: Stephen Wilson, Graffiti Art Programming Executive Director, accepting Payworks’ donation from President & CEO JP Perron and United Way Committee Co-Chair Melissa Willard.
In addition to making our annual donation commitments, we also participated in Days of Caring that allowed us to get hands-on in our communities.
In our offices across the country, we ran a shoe drive to place gently-used adult and child footwear with local United Way agency partners that would get them in the right hands (or should we say, on the right feet).
In Calgary, Payworks employees assisted some Silvera for Seniors residents in preparing the gardens for winter and helped the folks at Between Friends – a United Way agency partner that “provides unique opportunities for individuals with disabilities… through programming that is inclusive and accessible” – get ready for an upcoming office move.
Photo: A few members of our Calgary team broke out their garden shears, rakes and shovels to assist in preparing the garden for winter at Silvera for Seniors.
In Winnipeg, some members of our team helped assemble furniture at Oyate Tipi Cumini Yape, a local furniture bank that’s already helped 500+ families in our community and counting. Others gathered in our own Head Office lunchroom to assemble 1,000 snack packs for distribution to Huddle, Graffiti Art Programming, West Central Women's Resource Centre, and Winnipeg Central Park Women's Resource Centre.
“From what we heard, these Days of Caring were among the team’s favourite United Way Workplace Campaign activities this year,” said Melissa Willard, Payworks Quality Assurance Tech Lead and 2024 United Way Committee Co-Chair. “Everyone just kept saying, ‘I can’t wait to do this again next year!’… I’m proud to work for such a giving company and with such giving people.”
Photo: Assembly of 1,000 snack packs by dedicated Payworks volunteers in our Head Office lunchroom.
And for those looking to sweat for a good cause, we were pleased to return to 17 Wing CFB Winnipeg for their 2024 Plane Pull United Way Winnipeg fundraising event – a longtime Payworks staff highlight.
Photo: Team Payworks at the 2024 Plane Pull.
No matter how we choose to give back, the United Way Workplace Campaign is always a poignant reminder of the good we can do when we work together – with each other and with our communities. If you’re curious about what it’s like to be part of a team where “doing right by people” is our purpose, please visit us at: https://www.payworks.ca/about-us/careers.