HQ staff share why we’re proud to be Partners for Life with Canadian Blood Services

Pay It Forward


While our team is always down to figuratively “roll up their sleeves” in giving back to the community, they take it literally when it comes to being Partners for Life with Canadian Blood Services (CBS)!

Over the course of the last fiscal year, our staff booked 79 appointments and donated 64 pints of blood (equaling almost 200 lives saved!). This would be impossible without the efforts of the countless employees who’ve supported our Partners for Life efforts since 2018: spreading awareness of the need for donor blood, rallying support and organizing quarterly group appointments and transportation from our Winnipeg head office.

Five Payworks staff on a overcast spring day standing in front of a transportation bus that says Canadian Blood Services on it.

Photo: Five Payworks staff standing in front of a Canadian Blood Services transportation vehicle.

This National Blood Donor Week, we’re circling back with just a few of the selfless Payworks folks who show up for their neighbours in this way time and time again – asking them what it’s like to donate blood, why they do it, and why they’d encourage others to give it a try.

A Payworks staff sitting in a large chair donating blood.


“I know how critically important it is for blood to be available to those in need, and how easy it is to donate,” explains Payworks’ Product Support Tech Lead Matthew Hiller. “I’m fortunate to have a common blood type that most people can use. There’s always someone who is very much in need, and the staff at Canadian Blood Services are awesome.”


Photo: Matthew Hiller has donated blood six times with Payworks’ group blood donation and he’s looking forward to increasing that number by “quite a lot!”


A Payworks staff giving the thumbs up while donating blood.

Photo: Heather Sharpe, who has donated blood 25 times, participating proudly in a Payworks group blood donation.

“The ability to go and donate with a team is fun and humbling to know that we’re all taking part in making miracles happen,” says Payworks’ Partnerships Client Service Representative Heather Sharpe of why she chooses to donate. “I have been witness to how donations of blood, stem cells, and organs can absolutely save lives. The miracle that happened before my own family’s eyes was incredible. I will do my part to help be a part of another family’s miracle even if I may never meet them, and will continue to as long as I’m able. For anyone out there who’s never donated before, I would encourage them to see what the process is so they know what it’s all about, and how kind the clinic staff and volunteers are.”

Partner for Life Fun Fact: The standard blood donation is about 450 mL, according to CBS’ website, and to maximize Payworks’ impact each year we also make an annual monetary donation. Last year’s donation totaled $1,900.

Partner for Life Fun Fact: CBS manages the national supply of blood products for all the provinces and territories (excluding Québec), and both inventory and need vary widely due to “weather, holidays or tragic events.” Looking for an extra push to donate? Check their website for a peek at current inventory levels and any areas of particular need.

A Payworks staff sitting in a large chair donating blood while looking at their phone.


Photo: Social Media and Content Specialist, Amanda Lefley, working on her phone and donating at the same time!


“Before Payworks started this program, one of the barriers for me in being a regular donor was finding the time and the logistics/transportation,” says Payworks’ Social Media and Content Specialist Amanda Lefley, who has now donated a total of six times through our Partner for Life program. “Because I’m able to sign up for a pre-booked appointment and have a shuttle pick me up and bring me back, it’s so much easier to donate.”


“Donating blood is one of the simplest, yet most impactful ways to give back to the community,” says Payworks’ Business Operations Support Analyst Warren Penner. “There’s a real sense of fulfillment and purpose that comes from knowing you’re helping to save lives. Whether we choose to donate through initiatives like those at Payworks or independently, each contribution is invaluable. Together, we can ensure that blood is available for everyone who needs it, when they need it. That generosity could be the gift of life for someone in desperate need.”

Five Payworks staff standing together after a blood donation.

Photo: Warren Penner (far right) standing with his colleagues after his 24th blood donation.

“Helping to coordinate Payworks’ group blood donations has given me a ton of insight into the program,” says Payworks’ Business Operations Analyst Rachel Haynes, who’s looking forward to reaching her own 20-donation milestone this year. “It’s incredible to see the growth and how much we’ve been able to help as a group. Hurdles people encounter when wanting to donate can include awareness and coordination. Honestly, those hurdles are completely removed with the blood donation program we have. It’s such an easy and valuable way to give back. It’s super rewarding and something to be incredibly proud of.”

Three Payworks staff getting on a transportation bus.

Photo: Rachel Haynes gets ready to board the transportation shuttle to Canadian Blood Services from the parking lot at Payworks’ head office.


Thank you to all of our staff who’ve donated and supported our Partners for Life program. For more information (or to book an appointment of your own!), visit: https://www.blood.ca/en.





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Pay It ForwardHR ManagementWorkplace Culture

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