First annual Payworks shoreline cleanup
Litter affects water quality, is a health hazard and is often mistaken as food by wildlife. This past August, four Payworks staff members met up at Hirtle’s Beach in Kingsburg, Nova Scotia, to Pay it Forward (PIF) and do their part in helping keep the shoreline and beach clean.
This particular Payworks cleanup was registered through The Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up, which is Nova Scotia’s largest volunteer-driven community clean-up program. They promote litter clean-ups across the province, and since 1992 the program has provided free supplies and support to volunteers who wish to participate.
Our four-person team included Vice President of Service Courtney Bérubé, Sales Manager Craig Soontiens, Sales Consultant Stephen McKellar, and Implementation Specialist Megan McKellar. Honorary mentions go out to Trigger McKellar, who was unofficially acting as the team’s mascot that day.
Together, the team covered five kilometers of beach and shoreline and collected over 20 pounds of trash, including rope, sunglasses, pieces of lobster traps and bands, shoes, and dog waste bags. This odd assortment of “treasure” inspired an impromptu team art session, where they created a sculpture out of the items they collected. You can tell they spelled Payworks, right?!
The day also included a mid-way point break at Gaff Point for a team lunch - homemade by Megan and including many (delicious!) local products. Our team had a great time and anticipates that this PIF initiative will become a yearly event - making this the first annual Hirtle’s Beach shoreline cleanup!
“This was my first PIF Day with Payworks and it was a great opportunity to spend time with some of the team in Atlantic Canada. We enjoyed a seaside homemade lunch with as many local items as possible. It was amazing to be able to connect with colleagues and nature at the same time!” said Megan.
“During the cleanup, we were stopped by a number of locals and visitors to the region, who much admired our efforts and also the fact that Payworks designates two PIF Days to all employees each year,” said Stephen. “This was a solid reminder of how lucky we all to be part of an organization that encourages and supports giving back to the communities in which we live and work.”
For more information about The Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up, visit: https://www.nspickmeup.ca/.